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Matching Cases: 6

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
United States v LaBonte 520 US 751; 137 L Ed 2d 1001; 117 SCt 1673 United States Supreme Court United States 27 May 1997 WorldLII flag 72
Murphy v United States 45 F3d 520; 75 AFTR2d 95-682 United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit United States 25 Jan 1995 WorldLII flag 14
Hannon v Norman [2006] VSC 228; (2006) 45 MVR 520 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 30 Jun 2006 AustLII flag 5
People v Frederick 382 NE2d 1332; 410 NYS2d 555; 45 NY2d 520 United States - New York flag 2
45 So 520; 120 La 605 45 So 520; 120 LA 605 United States flag 2
45 f2d 520 45 F2d 520 United States Westlaw flag 2

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