Brian b , by and Through His Mother, Lois b; Abdul R , by and Through His Mother, Dena R; Byron a , by and Through His Mother, Carrie W; Ronelle W , by and Through His Mother, Pamela J; Steven S , by and Through His Guardian, Nancy f; Anthony t , by and Through His Mother, Christine H; Kenneth R , by and Through His Mother, Nancy R; Jeremiah M , by and Through His Mother, Susan M; on Behalf of Themselves and All Others Similarly Situated v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Education; Eugene W Hickok, in His Official Capacity As Secretary of the Department of Education; Garnet Valley School District; Philadelphia School District; Central York School District, Brian b; Abdul R; Byron a; Ronelle W; Steven S; Anthony t; Kenneth R; Jeremiah M , Appellants
United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit
United States
12 Oct 2000