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Matching Cases: 5

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Vakauta v Kelly [1989] HCA 44; (1989) 167 CLR 568; (1989) 87 ALR 633; (1989) 63 ALJR 610; (1989) 9 MVR 193; [1989] Aust Torts Reports 80-277 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 5 Oct 1989 AustLII flag 1190
Oglethorp and Maud [1792] EngR 1697; 80 ER 277; [1792] Hob 128 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1792 CommonLII flag
Egypt and Palestine - Exchange of Notes constituting a Provisional Commercial Agreement Cairo, June 6, and Jerusalem, June 21, 1928 [1928] LNTSer 212; 80 LNTS 277 League of Nations Treaty Series International circa 1928 WorldLII flag
Mississippi Central RR Co v Lott 80 So 277; (1918) 118 Miss 816 United States - Mississippi circa 1918 flag 2
Roxy Athletic Club, Inc v Simmons 80 NYS2d 277 United States - New York circa 1928 flag 1

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