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980 Cr LJ 1036   flag  3

980 Cr LJ 1036

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
RRajagopal @ RRGopal v KPMunusamy - CRLRCNo 842 of 1998 and CrlMPNo 5948 of 1998 [2002] INTNHC 99 High Court of Madras India - Madras 26 Feb 2002 LIIofIndia flag
RRajagopal @ RRGopal v MSNiraikulathan - CRLRCNo 841 of 1998 and CrlMPNo 5949 of 1998 [2002] INTNHC 100 High Court of Madras India - Madras 26 Feb 2002 LIIofIndia flag
RRajagopal @ RRGopal v vSathyamoorthy - CRLRCNo 840 of 1998 and CrlMPNo 5950 of 1998 [2002] INTNHC 101 High Court of Madras India - Madras 26 Feb 2002 LIIofIndia flag

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