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Note "Subordinate Court '* ment of Wright J , the learned Judge
states: (b) Bombay Local Boards Act (6 of 1923), S 19 Now by rules,
and I should think, quite apart --Candidate not voter under S 19
-- Assistant from the rules, on legal principles no action would
Judge has no inherent jurisdiction to question lie for this dividend
against the trustee and payment election of it therefore can only
be enforced in the way pro In the case of a disputed election where
the local vided by the statute and the only section under body
itself is a creature of statute and the rights of which it is suggested
that it can be enforced is that voters and candidates and members
are conferred by which says that a Court may order the trustee
to the provisions of the statute or rules made there pay under,
canons of justice and equity cannot operate If a right is not conferred
by the provisions of the It would appear then that both under the
statute or statutory rules that right does not exist rules framed
under s 112, Presidency Towns Such rights are not conferred by
canons of equity and Insolvency Act for this Court and under the
justice It is therefore wrong to hold that a candidate scheme of
the Presidency Towns Insolvency to an election, not a duly qualified
voter under the provisions of S 19 (1) had an inherent right to
4 ('35) 22
AIR 1935 Sind 137
All India Reporter, Sind Series
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