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En "control and management'* used in s 4A (b) try 34, List II, Sch 7, Government of India Act, aijji we held that there must be some evidence includes religious institutions The subject-matter of of an act of control or management before the Madras Act 22 of 1939 the object of which was the clause applied We cannot go behind the to throw open the Hindu Temples in the province of Madras for the purpose of worship by all Hindus finding of the Tribunal that in the present who by custom or usage had previously been exclud case no control was exercised by the kartha ed from entry therein comes within Entry 34, List II, after he had returned to Madras on 20th Octo Sch 7, Government of India Act, and it is therefore ber 1940 Mr Rama Rao Sahib on behalf of intra vires the Provincial Legislature The fact that the Act may affect Hindus of other provinces who the Commissioner has suggested that we should happened to go to the temples for worship in the re-frame the question He has pointed to a Province of Madras cannot affect its validity : Case statement in the order of the Appellate Assist law discussed [P 211 C     1

2 P 214
India - Tamil Nadu

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Manikka Sundara Bhattar v R S Nayudu [1944] AllINRprMad 143; [1945] AIR Mad 211 All India Reporter - Madras India - Tamil Nadu 15 Dec 1944 AsianLII flag

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