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Anandji Haridas & Co (P) Ltd v S P Kushare, S t o Nagpur   flag  2

[1967] INSC 224; 1968 1 SCR 661; AIR 1968 SC 565
Supreme Court of India
28th September, 1967

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Commercial Tax Officer, Rajasthan v Binani Cement Ltd & Anr [2014] INSC 108 Supreme Court of India India 19 Feb 2014 LIIofIndia flag
Punjab State Cooperative Supply & Market v Union of India - CWP-13009-2006 [2006] INPBHC 8848 High Court of Punjab and Haryana India 18 Oct 2006 LIIofIndia flag
Commissioner of Sales Tax v M/S Subhash & Co [2003] INSC 92 Supreme Court of India India 17 Feb 2003 LIIofIndia flag
Gujarat & Anr v Patel Ranjibhai Dhanbhai [1979] INSC 94; 1979 3 SCC 347; 1979 3 SCR 788; AIR 1979 SC 1098 Supreme Court of India India 1 May 1979 LIIofIndia flag 3
Ghanshyam Das v Regional Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax Nagpur [1963] INSC 171; [1964] 4 SCR 436; AIR 1964 SC 766 Supreme Court of India India 16 Aug 1963 LIIofIndia flag 12
Orissa & Anr v M/S Chakobhai Ghelabhai and Co [1960] INSC 156; [1961] 1 SCR 719; AIR 1961 SC 284 Supreme Court of India India 20 Sep 1960 LIIofIndia flag 7
Bombay v M/S Narsee Nagsee and Co , Bombay [1960] INSC 109; AIR 1960 SC 1232 Supreme Court of India India 6 May 1960 LIIofIndia flag
Maharaj Kumar Kamal Singh v the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Bihar & Orissa [1958] INSC 87; 1959 1 SCR Supl 10; AIR 1959 SC 257 Supreme Court of India India 1 Oct 1958 LIIofIndia flag 1
Suraj Mall Mohta and Co v a v Visvanatha Sastri & Anr [1954] INSC 80; [1955] 1 SCR 448; AIR 1954 SC 545 Supreme Court of India India 28 May 1954 LIIofIndia flag 26

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Income Tax Act, 1922 (Cth)
Finance Act. 1957

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
29 RF 1980 29 RF 1980 Brazil circa 1980 flag 4
[1964] SCR 436 [1964] SCR 436 circa 1964 1
Ghanshyam Das v Regional Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax Nagpur [1963] INSC 171; [1964] 4 SCR 436; AIR 1964 SC 766 Supreme Court of India India 16 Aug 1963 LIIofIndia flag 12
Salem Provident Fund Society Ltd v CIT (1961) 42 ITR 547 circa 1961 4
Orissa & Anr v M/S Chakobhai Ghelabhai and Co [1960] INSC 156; [1961] 1 SCR 719; AIR 1961 SC 284 Supreme Court of India India 20 Sep 1960 LIIofIndia flag 7
Commissioner of Income-tax v Narsee Nagsee & Co [1960] 3 SCR 988 circa 1960 2
B vD Co Ltd v R [1955] 1 SCR 787 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 3 Oct 1955 Supreme Court of Canada flag 13
Suraj Mall Mohta and Co v a v Visvanatha Sastri & Anr [1954] INSC 80; [1955] 1 SCR 448; AIR 1954 SC 545 Supreme Court of India India 28 May 1954 LIIofIndia flag 26
Chatturam v CIT Bihar [1947] FCR 116; 15 ITR 302 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1947 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 21
[1937] 5 Itr 338 [1937] 5 ITR 338 circa 1937 4
United Mercantile Co Ltd v CIT 64 ITR 218 circa 1954 3
60 BLR 1395 60 BLR 1395 circa 1954 1
3 SCR 988 3 SCR 988 circa 1954 1
1 SCR 322 1 SCR 322 circa 1954 2
1 SCR 10 1 SCR 10 6

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