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(1241) 1241 SC 10   flag  2

(1241) 1241 SC 10
Session Cases
United Kingdom - Scotland

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Sir Gerard Noel Noel, Baronet,-Appellant; Gustavus Rochfort, Richard Rochfort, ,-Respondents [1836] EngR 982; 7 ER 59; (1836) 4 Cl & F 158 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1836 CommonLII flag 1
Edward Oakeley,-Appelant; Philip Castel Sherard, Executor of the said Sarah Haughton Pasheller,-Responent By Revivor [1836] EngR 983; 4 Cl & F 207; 10 Bli NS 548; 10 Bli 548; 7 ER 80; 10 Bli NS 54S House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1836 CommonLII flag 19

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