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Matching Law Journal Articles: 7

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Economic Integration for the Asian Century: An Early Look at New Approaches" (1994) 4 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 187 K W Abbott & G W Bowman United States circa 1994 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Sustainable Development: Rhetoric and Reform at the World Bank" (1994) 4 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 253 K Huyser United States circa 1994 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"A New World Order: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" (1994) 4 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 329 DW Kennedy United States circa 1994 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"A New World Order: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" (1994) 4 Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems 329 D Kennedy United States circa 1994 flag 2
"The Liberal Agenda for Peace: International Relations Theory and the Future of the United Nations" (1994) 4 Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems 377 A-M Slaughter United States circa 1994 flag 2
"s Club: Feminist Futures for the United Nations" (1994) 4 Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems 421 United Men United States circa 1994 flag
"The United Nations and the Rule of Law" (1994) 4 Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems 611 Richard Falk United States circa 1994 flag 1

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