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Matching Law Journal Articles: 29

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
"Strengthening Sustainable Development in Regional Inter-Governmental Governance: Lessons from the ASEAN Way" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 640 Kheng-Lian, Koh; Robinson, Nicholas A Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag 3
"Bioprospecting: Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing under the Convention on Biodiversity and the Bonn Guidelines" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 747 Jeffery, Michael I Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag 2
"Re-making of the Constitution in Thailand" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 90 Nanakorn, Pinai Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag 1
"Law & (and) Diplomacy in World Trade Disputes" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 436 Lim, CL Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag 1
"Indonesian Constitutional Reform: Muddling towards Democracy" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 244 Lindsey, Tim Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Right to Political Participation in Singapore: Tailor-Making a Westminster-modelled Constitution to Fit the Imperatives of Asian Democracy, The" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 181 Li-ann, Thio Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"New WTO Antidumping Precedents (Part One: The Dumping Margin Determination)" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 335 Bhala, Raj Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Comparative Constitutional Law in Singapore" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 302 Ramraj, Victor v Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Mercy for the Third World through GATT Article XVIII" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 498 Bhala, Raj Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and Biotechnology: European Aspects" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 406 Linarelli, John Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Singapore and International Law" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 597 Chik, Warren B Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Foreword" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 637 Koh, Tommy TB Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Post-Colonial Pluralism, Human Rights & (and) the Administration of Criminal Justice in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 541 Tanguay-Renaud, Francois Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"From Rio to Johannesburg: A Review of Asian Development Bank Environmental Practice and Policy" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 723 Boyd, John Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Sustainable Development in Hong Kong - A Road Yet to Be Travelled" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 809 Mottershead, Terri Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Malaysian Environmental Law: Ten Years after Rio" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 855 Sharom, Azmi Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"From Rio 1992 to Johannesburg 2002: A Case Study of Implementing Sustainable Development in Pakistan" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 683 Hassan, Parvez Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Universal Criminal Jurisdiction for Grave Breaches of International Humanitarian Law: The Belgian Legislation" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 909 Brems, Eva Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Public Policy in the Conflict of Laws: A Sword and a Shield - A Note on Kuwait Airways Corporation v Iraq Airways Co (Nos 4 and 5)" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 953 Briggs, Adrian Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"New WTO Antidumping Precedents - Part Two: Causation, Injury Determinations, and Penalties" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 980 Bhala, Raj Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Culture and International Law: Universalism v Relativism" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 1028 Mushkat, Roda Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Recent Institutional Developments on the Environment in South East Asia - A Report Card on the Region" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 891 Tan, Alan Khee-Jin Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Singapore and International Law - Brief Notes: Recent International Legal Developments in Singapore" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 1058 Chik, Warren B Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"South East Asia and International Law: July-December 2002" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 1073 Ling, Cheah Wui; Chien, Neo Ling; Jegathesan, Vanita Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Making and Remaking of Constitutions in Southeast Asia: An Overview, The" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 1 Tan, Kevin YL Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Analytical Models for Understanding Constitutions and Constitutional Dialogue in Socialist Transitional States: Re-Interpreting Constitutional Dialogue in Vietnam" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 42 Sidel, Mark Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Keris, the Crescent and the Blind Goddess: The State, Islam and the Constitution in Malaysia, The" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 154 Harding, Andrew Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Indonesian Constitutional Transition: Conservatism or Fundamental Change, The" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 116 Ellis, Andrew Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag
"Enforcement of Foreign Judgments - Should Fraud Unravel All - Hong Pian Tee v Les Placements Germain Gauthier" (2002) 6 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 1043 Tan, Daniel Singapore circa 2002 HeinOnline flag

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