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Matching Law Journal Articles: 63

Journal Article Title Citation(s) †  Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"In Memoriam: John C Fletcher (1931-2004)" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 538 Paul A Lombardo United States circa 2004 flag
"Currents in Contemporary Ethics: Discerning Minimal risk in Research Involving Prisoners as Human Subjects" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 535 T Howard Stone United States circa 2004 flag
"Recent Developments in Health Law: Ucla Willed Body Program Comes Under Scrutiny as Companies Sued for the Purchase of Body Parts" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 532 Amy Ling United States circa 2004 flag
"The United State Supreme Court and Health Law: The Year in Review: The Supreme Court Federalizes Managed Care Liability" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 528 Theodore W Ruger United States circa 2004 flag
"Reviews in Health Law: Patenting Technology Instead of Identity" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 524 David B Resnik, Kelly McPherson Jolley, Kelly McPherson Jolley United States circa 2004 flag
"Tobacco Control Legislation: Tools for Public Health Improvement" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 516 James G Hodge, Jr , Gabriel B Eber United States circa 2004 flag
"Health of the People: The Highest Law?" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 509 Lawrence O Gostin United States circa 2004 flag
"Governing the Globalization of Public Health" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 500 Allyn L Taylor United States circa 2004 flag
"Conserving Scarce Resources: Willingness of Health Insurance Enrollees to Choose Cheaper Options" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 496 Samia A Hurst, J Russell Teagarden, Elizabeth Garrett, Ezekiel J Emanuel United States circa 2004 flag
""Underground Euthanasia" and the Harm Minimization Debate" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 486 Roger S Magnusson United States circa 2004 flag 1
"Litigation in Clinical Research: Malpractice Doctrines Versus Research Realities" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 474 E Haavi Morreim United States circa 2004 flag
"Conflict and Compromise Over Tradeoffs in Universal Health Insurance Plans" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 465 Mark v Pauly United States circa 2004 flag
"Crowd-out and the Politics of Health Reform" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 461 Judith Feder United States circa 2004 flag
"In the Shadow of 9/11: Health Care Reform in the 2004 Presidential Election" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 454 Lawrence R Jacobs, Michael Illuzzi United States circa 2004 flag
"Numbers Matter: A Guide to Cost and Coverage Estimates in Health Reform Debates" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 446 Jeanne M Lambrew United States circa 2004 flag
"Where Do We Go From Here: Is There Any Hope For Real Health Care Reform?" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 442 Richard F Southby United States circa 2004 flag
"Why Can't We Do What They Do? National Health Reform Abroad" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 433 Timothy Stoltzfus Jost United States circa 2004 flag 1
"Health Reform and the Safety Net: Big Opportunities: Major Risks" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 426 Bruce Siegel, Marsha Regenstein, Peter Shin United States circa 2004 flag
"Attending to Medicaid" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 416 Cindy Mann, Tim Westmoreland United States circa 2004 flag
"The Struggle for The Soul of Medicare" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 410 Bruce C Vladeck United States circa 2004 flag
"The Current Employment-Based Health Coverage" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 404 Sherry A Glied, Phyllis C Borzi United States circa 2004 flag
"The Consequences of Uninsurance for Individuals, Families, Communities, and the Nation" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 397 Dianne Miller Wolman, Wilhelmine Miller United States circa 2004 flag
"Holes In The Health Insurance System-Who Lacks Coverage And Why" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 390 Catherine Hoffman, Diane Rowland, Alicia L Carbaugh United States circa 2004 flag
"Foreword: National Health Reform and America's Uninsured" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 386 Sara Rosenbaum, Jeanne M Lambrew, Joel Teitelbaum United States circa 2004 flag 1
"Currents in Contemporary Ethics" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 365 Timothy Caulfield, Trudo Lemmens, Douglas Kinsella, Michael McDonald United States circa 2004 flag
"Error Reduction, Patient Safety and Institutional Ethics Committees" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 358 Mark E Meaney United States circa 2004 flag
"Medication Errors in Family Practice, in Hospitals and After Discharge from the Hospital An Ethical Analysis" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 349 Peter A Clark United States circa 2004 flag
"Making Risk-Benefit Assessments of Medical Research Protocols" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 338 Alex Rajczi United States circa 2004 flag
"Toward Rational Criminal Hiv Exposure Laws" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 327 Carol L Galletly, Steven D Pinkerton United States circa 2004 flag
"Pain, Impairment, and Disability in the Ama Guides" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 315 James P Robinson, Dennis C Turk, John D Loeser United States circa 2004 flag
"Passing on the Right conservative Bioethics is Closer Than It Appears" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 307 R Alta Charo United States circa 2004 flag
"Law & Bioethics: From Values to Violence" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 293 Susan M Wolf United States circa 2004 flag
"How Can We Help? From "Sociology in" to "Sociology of" Bioethics" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 279 Raymond Vries United States circa 2004 flag
"Bioethics: A Field in Transition" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 276 Ruth R Faden United States circa 2004 flag
"Face Facts: Why Human Genetics Will Always Provoke Bioethics" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 267 Eric T Juengst United States circa 2004 flag
"Accounting for Culture in Globalized Bioethics" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 252 Patricia Marshall, Barbara Koenig United States circa 2004 flag 1
"New Malaise: Bioethics and Human Rights in the Global Era" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 243 Paul Farmer, Nicole Gastineau Campos United States circa 2004 flag 1
"Public Health Ethics From Foundations and Frameworks to Justice and Global public Health" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 232 Nancy E Kass United States circa 2004 flag
"The Future of Empirical Research in Bioethics" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 226 Jeremy Sugarman United States circa 2004 flag
"Clinical Ethics and the Road Less Taken Mapping the Future by Tracking the Past" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 218 Susan B Rubin, Laurie Zoloth United States circa 2004 flag
"Does Ethical Theory Have a Future in Bioethics?" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 209 Tom L Beauchamp United States circa 2004 flag
"Bioethics and the National Security State" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 198 Jonathan D Moreno United States circa 2004 flag
"Looking Forward in Bioethics" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 196 Jeffrey Kahn, Anna Mastroianni United States circa 2004 flag
"A Human Germline Modification Scale" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 164 Harry Adams United States circa 2004 flag
"Political Authority in a Bioterror Emergency" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 159 Thomas May United States circa 2004 flag
"Confounding Extremities: Surgery at the Medico-ethical Limits of Self-Modification" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 148 Annemarie Bridy United States circa 2004 flag
"Legal Barriers to Implementing Recommendations for Universal, Routine Prenatal Hiv Testing" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 137 Leslie E Wolf, Bernard Lo, Lawrence O Gostin United States circa 2004 flag
"Benign Neglect or Neglected Abuse Drug and Alcohol withdrawal in US Jails" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 129 Kevin Fiscella, Naomi Pless, Sean Meldrum, Paul Fiscella United States circa 2004 flag
"Evaluation of the condom Distribution Program in New South Wales Prisons, Australia" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 124 Kate Dolan, David Lowe, James Shearer United States circa 2004 flag
"Legal Enforcement of Xenotransplatation public Health Safeguards" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 117 Patrik S Florencio, Erik D Ramanathan United States circa 2004 flag
"Research Ethics and Misguided Moral Intuition" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 111 Franklin G Miller United States circa 2004 flag
"Natural Settings Trials — Improving the Introduction of Clinical Genetic Tests" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 106 Carol L Freund, Ellen W Clayton, Benjamin S Wilfond United States circa 2004 flag
"Ending Concerns About Undue Inducement" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 100 Ezekiel J Emanuel United States circa 2004 flag
"Why Not Retribution? The Particularized Imagination and Justice for Pregnant Addicts" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 89 Lisa Eckenwiler United States circa 2004 flag
"Strengthening the Collaboration between Public Health and Criminal Justice to Prevent Violence" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 82 Deborah Prothrow-Stith United States circa 2004 flag
"Living with the Hipaa Privacy Rule" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 73 Myra Moran, Sissy Holloman, William Kassler, Beverly Dozier United States circa 2004 flag
"Preventive Confinement of Dangerous Offenders" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 56 Stephen J Morse United States circa 2004 flag 1
"Public Health In Court: Who's to Judge?" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 47 Robert M Pestronk, Jeffery Heffelfinger, v Sue Shields, Linda L Chezem United States circa 2004 flag
"The Production of Criminal Violence in America: Is Strict Gun Control the Solution?" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 38 Lance K Stell United States circa 2004 flag
"Firearms, Violence, and the Potential Impact of Firearms Control" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 34 Franklin E Zimring United States circa 2004 flag
"Is There Value in Identifying Individual Genetic Predispositions to violence?" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 24 David Wasserman United States circa 2004 flag
"Evolutionary Ethics, Aggression, and Violence: Lessons from Primate Research" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 18 Frans B M Waal United States circa 2004 flag
"Evolution, Prevention, and Responses to Aggressive Behavior and Violence" (2004) 32 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 8 Robert M Sade United States circa 2004 flag

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