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Francis v Ley, et e contra   flag 

[1791] EngR 379
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Earl of Oxford ’ s Case 13 Jac 1; 21 ER 485 Court of Chancery United Kingdom WorldLII flag 89
2 Bulst 150; 2 Inst 203 2 Bulst 150; 2 Inst 203 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 20
Foorde Plaintiff, v Hoskins Defendant [1792] EngR 850; 2 Bulst 336; 80 ER 1168; 1 Rolle 125 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1792 CommonLII flag 19
March Plaintiff, v Brace Defendant [1792] EngR 1497; 2 Bulst 151; 199- Noy 104 United Kingdom circa 1792 CommonLII flag 9
Clerk v The Governor and Co of Taylors of Exeter [1797] EngR 55; 83 ER 670; (1797) 3 Lev 241 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1797 CommonLII flag 8
605 Hob 69 605 Hob 69 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 3
79 Er 314 79 ER 314 United Kingdom CommonLII flag 3
374 Co Lit 59 374 Co Lit 59 United Kingdom flag 2
283 Cowp 377 283 Cowp 377 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 2
3 Bulst 417 3 Bulst 417 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 2

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