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Rickman v Carstairs   flag  7

[1833] EngR 226; 5 B & Ad 651; 110 ER 931
Kings Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Hadley v Baxendale [1854] EWHC Exch J70; 156 ER 145 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales 23 Feb 1854 BAILII flag 10
Same v Bateman [1845] EngR 278; 85 ER 964; (1845) 2 Saund 200 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag 4
Englander v Mussell [1950] VicLawRp 54; [1950] VLR 442; [1950] ALR 867 Australia - Victoria 21 Aug 1950 AustLII flag 2
Eliza Kelly v Partington [1833] EngR 840; 5 B & Ad 645; 110 ER 929 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1833 CommonLII flag 2
Re State Bank of New South Wales v Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia Re Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia (Cross-Claimant) v State Bank of New South Wales (First Cross-Respondent) New South Wales (Second Cross-Respondent) (1985) [1985] FCA 133 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Apr 1985 AustLII flag
Bell v Miller [1877] NSWKnoxRp 65 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 17 Sep 1877 AustLII flag
Joyce v the Realm Insurance Co [1872] UKLawRpKQB 47; (1871-1872) LR 7 QB 580 United Kingdom 31 May 1872 CommonLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Same v Bateman [1845] EngR 278; 85 ER 964; (1845) 2 Saund 200 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag 4
2 Burr 1171 2 Burr 1171 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 4
2 Taunt 423 2 Taunt 423 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 3
2 Marsh 189 2 Marsh 189 3
Englander v Mussell [1950] VicLawRp 54; [1950] VLR 442; [1950] ALR 867 Australia - Victoria 21 Aug 1950 AustLII flag 2
Eliza Kelly v Partington [1833] EngR 840; 5 B & Ad 645; 110 ER 929 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1833 CommonLII flag 2
Gladstone v Clay [1813] EngR 317; 105 ER 156; (1813) 1 M & S 418 King's Bench United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1813 CommonLII flag 2
Forbes v Cowie [1808] EngR 436; 170 ER 1043; (1808) 1 Camp 520 United Kingdom circa 1808 CommonLII flag 2
16 East 243 16 East 243 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1950 flag 2
6 Taunt 4951 6 Taunt 4951 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1950 flag 2
8g Ad 653 8G AD 653 circa 1950 1
4 Taunt 630 4 Taunt 630 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 1
Mmtgomery v Xggington 3 TR 3621 circa 1950 1
2 East 114 2 East 114 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1950 flag 1
Re State Bank of New South Wales v Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia Re Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia (Cross-Claimant) v State Bank of New South Wales (First Cross-Respondent) New South Wales (Second Cross-Respondent) (1985) [1985] FCA 133 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Apr 1985 AustLII flag
Bell v Miller [1877] NSWKnoxRp 65 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 17 Sep 1877 AustLII flag
Joyce v the Realm Insurance Co [1872] UKLawRpKQB 47; (1871-1872) LR 7 QB 580 United Kingdom 31 May 1872 CommonLII flag

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