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Hon Lady Anne Warrender,-Appellant; The Right Hon sir George Warrender, Bart,-Respondent   flag  15

[1835] EngR 297; 2 Cl & F 488; 9 Bli NS 89; 6 ER 1239
House of Lords
United Kingdom
8th February, 1890

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Commonwealth v Australian Capital Territory [2013] HCA 55; (2013) 250 CLR 441; (2013) 304 ALR 204; (2013) 88 ALJR 118 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 Dec 2013 AustLII flag 65
Le Mesurier v Le Mesurier [1895] UKLawRpAC 34; [1895] AC 517; 64 LJPC 97; 72 LT 873 United Kingdom 29 Jun 1895 CommonLII flag 59
SZOXP v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2015] FCAFC 69; (2015) 231 FCR 1 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 11 Jun 2015 AustLII flag 41
Elizabeth M Shaw v Thomas Gould, J W Moore, [1868] UKLawRpHL 3; 3 HL 55; 37 LJCh 433; 11 P 100 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 7 May 1868 CommonLII flag 26
Pezet v Pezet [1946] NSWStRp 38; (1946) 47 SR (NSW) 45; 63 WN (NSW) 238 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 23 Aug 1946 AustLII flag 22
Groves v Groves [1944] SAStRp 43; [1944] SASR 187 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia 27 Oct 1944 AustLII flag 2
Perrin v Perrin; Powell v Powell [1914] UKLawRpPro 10; [1914] P 135 United Kingdom 25 Apr 1914 CommonLII flag 1
Hunt v Hunt (No 4) [1897] UKLawRpKQB 166; (1897) 2 QB 547 United Kingdom 24 Nov 1897 CommonLII flag 1
Noor Jehan Begum v Eugene Tiscenko [1941] AllINRprCal 189; [1941] AIR Cal 582 All India Reporter - Calcutta India - West Bengal 3 Jan 1941 AsianLII flag
"Conflict of Laws - Essential Validity of Marriage" [1941] Res Jud 28 Sawer, Geoffery Australia circa 1941 AustLII flag
Morris v Morris - NLR - 246 of 40 [1938] LKSC 4; (1938) 40 NLR 246 Sri Lankan Supreme Court Sri Lanka 11 Jul 1938 AsianLII flag
Mackinnon's Trustees v Inland Revenue [1920] UKHL 535 House of Lords United Kingdom 16 Jul 1920 BAILII flag
Ogden v Ogden [1906] UKLawRpPro 36; [1907] P 107 United Kingdom 10 Dec 1906 CommonLII flag
Than Pujim Luem v Song Kee Lian [1905] SSLawRp 12; (1905) 9 SSLR 68 Malaysia - Straits Settlements 29 Mar 1905 CommonLII flag

Law Reform Reports Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
- Private International Law Aspects of Capacity to Marry and Choice of Law in Proceedings for Nullity of Marriage, Report on (LRC 19-1985) [1985] IELRC 10 Irish Law Reform Commission Republic of Ireland circa 1985 BAILII flag

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
"Defining the Informal Marriage" (1979-1980) 3 University of New South Wales Law Journal 279 Finlay, H A Australia circa 1980 AustLII flag 1
"Marriage Amendment Act 1985 - The Reason Why, The" (1987-1988) 11 Adelaide Law Review 32 Davis, Brian Australia circa 1988 AustLII flag
"The Trend towards Recoginition of Polygamous Marriages in Common Law Countries and Matters Incidential Thereto" [1962] VUWLawRw 15 Hiller, A New Zealand circa 1962 NZLII flag
"Conflict of Laws - Essential Validity of Marriage" [1941] Res Jud 28 Sawer, Geoffery Australia circa 1941 AustLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Morris v Morris - NLR - 246 of 40 [1938] LKSC 4; (1938) 40 NLR 246 Sri Lankan Supreme Court Sri Lanka 11 Jul 1938 AsianLII flag
Mackinnon's Trustees v Inland Revenue [1920] UKHL 535 House of Lords United Kingdom 16 Jul 1920 BAILII flag
Ogden v Ogden [1906] UKLawRpPro 36; [1907] P 107 United Kingdom 10 Dec 1906 CommonLII flag
Than Pujim Luem v Song Kee Lian [1905] SSLawRp 12; (1905) 9 SSLR 68 Malaysia - Straits Settlements 29 Mar 1905 CommonLII flag

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