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R v Sterry   flag 

[1840] EngR 260; 113 ER 743; (1840) 12 A & E 85
Queen's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
R v The Guardians of the Poor of the Wallingford Union, in the Counties of Berks and Oxford [1839] EngR 738; 10 A & E 259; 113 ER 101 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1839 CommonLII flag 7
R v The Inhabitants of the Parish of St Giles, in the City of York [1832] EngR 579; 3 B & Ad 573; 110 ER 208 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1832 CommonLII flag 12
R v Agar [1811] EngR 390; 14 East 256; 104 ER 599 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1811 CommonLII flag 23
R v Susannah Field [1794] EngR 2205; 5 TR 587; 101 ER 329 United Kingdom circa 1794 CommonLII flag 6
Rea v Munday 1 East 584 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 9
2 Ir 5511 2 IR 5511 1
8 Ad 573 8 AD 573 1
9 LJMC 105 9 LJMC 105 United Kingdom flag 1

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