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R v The Inhabitants of Liverpool   flag 

[1860] EngR 633; 121 ER 258; (1860) 2 E & E 687
Queen's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Cole Appellant v Coulton, clerk to R's Lynn Paving Commissioners [1860] EngR 625; 2 E & E 695; 29 LJMC 125; 121 ER 261; (1860) 24 JP 596; 2 LT 216 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1860 CommonLII flag 20
8 WR 412 8 WR 412 United Kingdom flag 4
[1901] 2 Ir 441 [1901] 2 IR 441 circa 1901 2
Job- v Bendersm (1900) 19 Cox CC 479 United Kingdom circa 1900 flag 2
R v The Inhabitants of Hellingley [1859] EngR 481; 120 ER 1091; (1859) 1 E & E 749 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1859 CommonLII flag 1
9 E & E 692 9 E & E 692 Queen's Bench United Kingdom flag 1

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