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Harney v The President, & c, of the Shire of Huntly   flag 

[1910] ArgusLawRp 96
Argus Law Reports
20th September, 1910

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Supreme Court Act (Vic)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Lunacy - Annuity- Lunacy Act 1890 (No 1113), sec 182 - Trust to purchase annuity - Annuitant a lunatic patient - Application by Master-in-Lunacy for payment to him of purchase money of the annuity [1899] ArgusLawRpCN 163; (1899) 5 ALR (CN) 93 Argus Law Reports, Current Notes Australia 19 Dec 1899 AustLII flag 2
National Bank of Australasia v Cohen [1896] ArgusLawRp 157; (1896) 2 ALR 227 Argus Law Reports Australia 1 Sep 1896 AustLII flag 1
28 Ylr 251 28 YLR 251 Pakistan flag 1
25 VLR 291 25 VLR 291 Australia - Victoria flag 1

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