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Scrymgeour Wedderburn v Lauderdale (Earl)   flag 

[1910] UKLawRpAC 16; [1910] AC 342
United Kingdom
7th April, 1910

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Alcock v Cooke [1829] EngR 341; 5 Bing 340; 130 ER 1092 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1829 CommonLII flag 14
(1802) 4 Pat App 286 (1802) 4 Pat App 286 House of Lords United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1802 flag 1
(1755) 1 Pat App 605 (1755) 1 Pat App 605 House of Lords United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1755 flag 1
Cockburn v Langton's Creditors (1755) 1 Pat App 603 House of Lords United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1755 flag 4
(1864) 3 Moore PCCNS 152 (1864) 3 Moore PCCNS 152 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1864 flag 1
150 HL 1 150 HL 1 United Kingdom flag 1
Mar Peerage Case (1875) 1 AC 1 United Kingdom circa 1875 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 3
Earl of Lauderdale v Wedderburn [1908] SC 1237 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1908 flag 5
(1905) 7 f 1045; (1904) 42 SLR 222 (1905) 7 F 1045; (1904) 42 SLR 222 Singapore - Singapore circa 1904 LexisNexis flag 2
150 Elch 384 150 Elch 384 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1904 flag 1

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