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Nerodebarani Devi v Chamatkarini Devya   flag 

[1914] AllINRprCal 284; [1915] AIR Cal 565
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
20th January, 1914

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
(1894) 18 Bom 237 (1894) 18 Bom 237 India - Maharashtra circa 1894 flag 4
(1893) 17 Bom 388 (1893) 17 Bom 388 India - Maharashtra circa 1893 flag 1
28 Bom 644 28 Bom 644 India - Maharashtra flag 6
In The Goods of Greig [1866] UKLawRpPro 2; (1865-1869) LR 1 PD 72 United Kingdom 16 Jan 1866 CommonLII flag 1
Rendall v Rendall [1841] EngR 1228; 66 ER 986; (1841) 1 Hare 152 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1841 CommonLII flag 2
3 PD 36 3 PD 36 United Kingdom flag 1
12 Gal 37 12 Gal 37 United States flag 2
21 Gal 383 21 Gal 383 United States flag 3
24 Gal 98 24 Gal 98 United States flag 2
(1893) 20 Cal 888 (1893) 20 Cal 888 United States - California circa 1893 flag 2
25 Cal 354 25 Cal 354; 41 ILR 12 United States - California flag 4

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