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Moothetuth Kanari v Hari Shenoy   flag 

[1916] AllINRprMad 286
All India Reporter - Madras
21st February, 1916

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1858) 7 Cal 212; 13 Bom 656 (1858) 7 Cal 212; 13 Bom 656 United States - California circa 1858 flag 1
(1881) 7 Cal 242 (1881) 7 Cal 242 United States - California circa 1881 flag 2
(1889) 13 Bom 656 (1889) 13 Bom 656 India - Maharashtra circa 1889 flag 1
(1892) 16 Bom 307 (1892) 16 Bom 307 India - Maharashtra circa 1892 flag 6
(1896) 19 Mad 219 (1896) 19 Mad 219 India circa 1896 flag 3
(1907) 17 MLJ 78 (1907) 17 MLJ 78 Malaysia circa 1907 LexisNexis flag 2
(1915) 38 Mad 1076 (1915) 38 Mad 1076 India circa 1915 flag 6
(1916) 1 MWN 273 (1916) 1 MWN 273 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1916 flag 1
Malkarjun v Narhari 25 Bom 337 India - Maharashtra flag 58
24 Mad 504 24 Mad 504 India flag 1
31 Act 14 31 Act 14 United Kingdom flag 1
32 Gal 296 32 Gal 296 United States flag 6

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