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Jao Quim Cho v the Collector of Customs of the City of Cebu   flag 

[1916] PHSC 274
Supreme Court of the Philippines
17th November, 1916

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
20 Phil Rep 307 20 Phil Rep 307 Philippines flag 7
23 Phil Rep 614 23 Phil Rep 614 Philippines flag 7
31 Phil Rep 383 31 Phil Rep 383 Philippines flag 5
32 Phil Rep 151 32 Phil Rep 151 Philippines flag 1
Gan Bun Cho vs Collector of Customs 30 Phil Rep 614 Philippines flag 3
Lee Jua vs Collector of Customs 32 Phil Rep 24 Philippines flag 9
Mu ñ oz vs Collector of Customs 20 Phil Rep 494 Philippines flag 10
United States vs Go Siaco 12 Phil Rep 490 Philippines flag 12
31 Phil Rep 115 31 Phil Rep 115 Philippines flag 2
23 Phil Rep 480 23 Phil Rep 480 Philippines flag 3
United States v Mrs Gue Lim 176 US 459; 83 F 136; 44 L Ed 544; 20 SCt 415 United States Supreme Court United States 26 Feb 1900 WorldLII flag 21
211 f 1001 211 F 1001 3
223 f 801 223 F 801 2
191 f 28 191 F 28 3
Ex parte Lew Lin Shew 217 F 317 2
208 f 166 208 F 166 2
172 f 856 172 F 856 2

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