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Sundaram Ayyangar v Ramaswami Ayyangar   flag 

[1918] AllINRprMad 33; 41 Mad 955
All India Reporter - Madras
19th April, 1918

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
(1893) 3 MLJ 255 (1893) 3 MLJ 255 Malaysia circa 1893 LexisNexis flag 3
38 Act 2 38 Act 2 United Kingdom flag 2
59 Act 2 59 Act 2 United Kingdom flag 4
Venkata v Chengadu 12 Mad 168 India flag 11
David Nadar v Manicka Vachaka Desika Gnana Sambanda Pandara Sannathi 33 Mad 65 India flag 3
2 P 930 2 P 930 2
(1903) 26 Mad 638 (1903) 26 Mad 638 India circa 1903 flag 2

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