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Saya Pye v U Kundinnya   flag 

[1923] AllINRprRang 129
All India Reporter - Rangoon
3rd August, 1923

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Justices of the Peace of Calcutta v Orient Gas Co 17 WR 364 United Kingdom flag 6
(1918) 45 Cal 502 (1918) 45 Cal 502 United States - California circa 1918 flag 3
21 WR 303 21 WR 303 United Kingdom flag 3
(1911) 6 LBR 88 (1911) 6 LBR 88 Myanmar circa 1911 flag 1
(1911) 13 BLR 91 (1911) 13 BLR 91 circa 1911 1
(1908) 4 LBR 249 (1908) 4 LBR 249 Myanmar circa 1908 flag 1
(1906) 8 BLR 433 (1906) 8 BLR 433 circa 1906 1
9 BHC 398 9 BHC 398 India - Maharashtra flag 1

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