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Mannu Lal v Bishambhar Nath   flag 

[1924] AllINRprOudh 22
All India Reporter - Oudh
24th January, 1924

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
21 Australian Law Journal 934 21 Australian Law Journal 934 Australian Law Journal Australia Legal Online flag 7
28 Own 253 28 OWN 253 Canada - Ontario flag 1
ALJ 'apply to the present case The debts of 263 the father were held to be neither ille (5) [1911] 33 All 783=11 1 0 220=8 ALJ gal nor immoral, and whether there was 901 (6) AIR 1917 PC 41 Privy Council India circa 1917 flag 6
28 CWN 446 28 CWN 446 India circa 1917 flag 1
23 CWN 700 23 CWN 700 India circa 1917 flag 1
Air 1924 Pat 0 AIR 1924 Pat 0 India - Bihar circa 1924 flag 11
1 Pat LR 445 1 Pat LR 445 India - Bihar circa 1917 flag 1
4 Pat LT 29 4 Pat LT 29 India - Bihar flag 1
21 Bom LR 484 21 Bom LR 484 India - Maharashtra flag 1
26 Bom LR 500 26 Bom LR 500 India - Maharashtra flag 2
[1919] MWN 493 [1919] MWN 493 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1919 flag 1
26 MLT 40 26 MLT 40 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1917 flag 1
LR LR 568 MWN 382 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1917 flag 1
32 MLT 129 32 MLT 129 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1917 flag 1
Air 1924 Oudh 120 AIR 1924 Oudh 120 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1924 flag 3
Air 1924 Oudh 381 AIR 1924 Oudh 381 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1924 flag 2
Air AIR 1924 Oudh 114 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1924 flag 1
Air 1922 Oudh 114 AIR 1922 Oudh 114 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1922 flag 1
11 Oudh Law Journal 107 11 Oudh Law Journal 107 Oudh Law Journal India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1917 flag 2
10 Oudh Law Journal 360 10 Oudh Law Journal 360 Oudh Law Journal India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1917 flag 3
44 MLJ 615 44 MLJ 615 Malaysia circa 1917 LexisNexis flag 1
46 MLJ 23 46 MLJ 23 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 5
[1923] PC 37 [1923] PC 37 United Kingdom circa 1923 flag 5
30 CLJ 86 30 CLJ 86 circa 1917 2
Brij Inder Singh v Kanshi Ram [1917] P 0 circa 1917 60

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