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(Kidambi) Tayamma v (Kidambi) Varadacharyulu   flag 

[1929] AllINRprMad 293; [1929] AIR Mad 827
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
6th September, 1929

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
[1926] Mad 692 [1926] Mad 692 India circa 1926 flag 4
[1925] Mad 673 [1925] Mad 673 India circa 1925 flag 3
[1924] Mad 1 [1924] Mad 1 India circa 1924 flag 10
Mt Bhagwanta Kuer v Zamir Ahmad Khan [1924] Mad 673 India circa 1924 flag 5
(1884) 8 Bom 615 (1884) 8 Bom 615 India - Maharashtra circa 1884 flag 8
Vaithilinga Mudaliar v Srirangathanni [1918] AllINRprMad 129; 25 MLT 190; 42 Mad 228; [1919] AIR Mad 275 All India Reporter - Madras India - Tamil Nadu 22 Oct 1918 AsianLII flag 4
38 MLJ 146 38 MLJ 146 Malaysia circa 1919 LexisNexis flag 3
[1920] PC 64 [1920] PC 64 United Kingdom circa 1920 flag 6
6 PC 110 6 PC 110 United Kingdom circa 1919 flag 1
(1893) 20 Gal 319 (1893) 20 Gal 319 United States circa 1893 flag 3
Maharaja of Bobbili v Narasarajupeda [1916] P 0; 96-43 Cal 660 United States - California circa 1916 flag 66
20 Cal 819; 8 Bom 615 20 Cal 819; 8 Bom 615 United States - California circa 1919 flag 2
Allahabad Mt Makhni v FAttZAftD Ali (Knox, J) [1920] P 0 circa 1920 9
2 P 828 2 P 828 circa 1919 6

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