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P v S Krishnamurthy Pillai v P v S Sundaramurthy Pillai   flag 

[1931] AllINRprMad 146; [1932] AIR Mad 381
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
21st September, 1931

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1921] PB 27 [1921] PB 27 United Kingdom circa 1921 flag 1
[1921] PC 27 [1921] PC 27 United Kingdom circa 1921 flag 1
[1926] Mad 360 [1926] Mad 360 India circa 1926 flag 2
[1927] Mad 471 [1927] Mad 471 India circa 1927 flag 5
[1928] Mad 7 [1928] Mad 7 India circa 1928 flag 2
[1928] Mad 735 [1928] Mad 735 India circa 1928 flag 5
[1928] Mad 860 [1928] Mad 860 India circa 1928 flag 1
[1929] Mad 705 [1929] Mad 705 India circa 1929 flag 10
[1929] PC 279 [1929] PC 279 United Kingdom circa 1929 flag 8
[1931] Mad 317 [1931] Mad 317 India circa 1931 flag 3
[1931] QB 1q3 [1931] QB 1Q3 United Kingdom circa 1931 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
Isaac Spooner and Richard Spooner, Plaintiffs; and Richard Samuel Butler Sandilands, Defendant [1842] EngR 327; 62 ER 939; (1842) 1 Y & CCh Cas 390 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1842 CommonLII flag 4
Rajindra Narain Singh v Sundara Bibi [1925] P 0 circa 1925 45
2 Aboriginal Law Bulletin 1927 2 Aboriginal Law Bulletin 1927 Aboriginal Law Bulletin Australia circa 1927 AustLII flag 1
203 Mad 535 203 Mad 535 India circa 1925 flag 1

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