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In the matter of the Involuntary Insolvency of Rafael Fernandez PHILIPPINE TRUST Co and SMITH, BELL & Co, LTD , as Trustee of the properties of the San Nicolas Iron Works, Ltd , claimants v L P MITCHELL , opponents   flag 

[1933] PHSC 191
Supreme Court of the Philippines
8th December, 1933

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
(1922) 43 Phil 308 (1922) 43 Phil 308 Philippines circa 1922 flag 2
10 Phil 739 10 Phil 739 Philippines flag 1
2 Phil 689 2 Phil 689 Philippines flag 4
31 Phil 76 31 Phil 76 Philippines flag 4
37 Phil 678 37 Phil 678 Philippines flag 3
41 Phil 819 41 Phil 819 Philippines flag 3
55 Phil 353 55 Phil 353 Philippines flag 3
6 Phil 260 6 Phil 260 Philippines flag 5
Gochuico vs Ocampo 7 Phil 15 Philippines flag 3
Alzoua and Mitchell 8 Phil 539 Philippines flag 1
Javellana v Mirasol 40 Phil 761 Philippines flag 14
Hunter, Kerr & Co vs Murray 48 Phil 499 Philippines flag 6
McMicking vs Co Piaco 24 Phil 439 Philippines flag 2
McMicking v Lichauco 27 Phil 386 Philippines flag 4
Pe ñ a v Mitchell 9 Phil 587 Philippines flag 6
Meyers vs Thein 15 Phil 303 Philippines flag 12
Streiff (Ltd) v Villanueva 41 Phil 611; 620 SCRA 713 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 17
1 Phil 194 1 Phil 194 Philippines flag 4
Smith, Bell & Co v Estate of Maronilla 41 Phil 557 Philippines flag 5

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