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Fatehchand Dipchand v Hiralal Shraogi   flag 

[1935] AllINRprNag 30
All India Reporter - Nagpur
17th June, 1935

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
44 Cal 524 44 Cal 524 United States - California flag 10
(1886) 13 Cal 21 (1886) 13 Cal 21 United States - California circa 1886 flag 23
54 Bom 495 54 Bom 495 India - Maharashtra flag 5
14 Cal 572 14 Cal 572 United States - California flag 5
Deen Dayal v Jugdeep Naravn[1 3 Cal 198 United States - California flag 9
23 NLR 170 23 NLR 170 Sri Lanka flag 2
Hardi Narain Sahu v Ruder PeEkash Misser, (P C) 10 Cal 626 United States - California flag 9
10 Cal 1 10 Cal 1 United States - California flag 1
Yadao v Krishnaji [1928] Nag 56 India - Maharashtra circa 1928 flag 1
Raja Setrucherla Ramabhadraraju v Maharajah of Jeypore All India Reports [1919] PC 150 United Kingdom circa 1919 flag 6
17 Cal 584 17 Cal 584 United States - California circa 1919 flag 7
42 Mad 813 42 Mad 813 India circa 1919 flag 1

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