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Nazir Ahmad Appeal No 11 of 1936 v R-Emperor (Lahore)   flag 

[1936] UKPC 44
Privy Council
United Kingdom
16th June, 1936

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Taylor v Taylor [1875] UKLawRpCh 114; (1876) 1 Ch D 426; 45 LJCh 373 United Kingdom 6 Nov 1875 CommonLII flag 77
Julius v Bishop of Oxford LR 5 AC 214 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 95
LR 12 AC 459 LR 12 AC 459 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 28
Pillai v R-Emperor 40 LA 193 1
Queen Empress v Viran [1886] ILR 9 circa 1886 7
Biradhmal Lodha v Commissioner of Income-tax [1933] ILR 56 circa 1933 7
Re Aurangabad Mills, Ltd   [1921] ILR 45 circa 1921 7
Farid v The Crowyi [1921] ILR 2 circa 1921 5
Sanjib Chandra Sanyal v Santosh Kumar Lahiri [1921] ILR 49 circa 1921 3
Amiruddin v Emperor [1917] ILR 45 circa 1917 2
Tarini Churn Sinha v Watson & ■ Co [1890] ILR 17 circa 1890 8
Chiranji Lal v Bankey Lal [1933] ILR 55 circa 1933 2
Thein Maung v King Emperor (1905) 3 LBR 173 Myanmar circa 1905 flag 1
14 Lah 290 14 Lah 290 Pakistan circa 1905 flag 2
16 Lah 912 16 Lah 912 Pakistan circa 1905 flag 1
Queen Empress v Bhairab Chunder Chuckerbutty (1898) 2 Cal WN 702 India - West Bengal circa 1898 flag 1

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