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In the matter of S 5, Court-fees Act of 1870 and In re Official Assignee Calcutta   flag 

[1938] AllINRprCal 273; [1938] AIR Cal 755
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
8th July, 1938

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
In Re Beall, Ex parte Beall [1894] UKLawRpKQB 55; (1894) 2 QB 135 United Kingdom 16 Mar 1894 CommonLII flag 9
(1894) 2 QB 1354 (1894) 2 QB 1354 United Kingdom circa 1894 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
2 P 757 2 P 757 1
43 Mad 747 43 Mad 747 India flag 2
(1935) 22 Air Rang 460 (1935) 22 AIR Rang 460 Myanmar circa 1935 flag 2
Air 1932 All 262 AIR 1932 All 262 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1932 flag 3
(1922) 9 Air Mad 421 (1922) 9 AIR Mad 421 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1922 flag 1
(1920) 7 Air Mad 664 (1920) 7 AIR Mad 664 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1920 flag 2
[1922] Mad 421 [1922] Mad 421 India circa 1922 flag 2
29 Gal 68 29 Gal 68 United States flag 2
1 P 76 1 P 76 5

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