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Patelkhana Venkataramasami v Imperial Bank of India Rajahmundry   flag 

[1938] AllINRprMad 401; [1938] AIR Mad 889
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
11th April, 1938

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1924 PC 50 AIR 1924 PC 50 Privy Council India circa 1924 flag 15
[1898] Sec 162 [1898] SEC 162 United States circa 1898 flag 1
10 Lah 737 10 Lah 737 Pakistan flag 3
[1934] MWN 812 [1934] MWN 812 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1934 flag 1
39 IC 280 39 IC 280 United Kingdom flag 6
[1934] MWN 8121 [1934] MWN 8121 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1934 flag 1
42 Mad 7112 42 Mad 7112 India flag 1
Bala Surya Prasada Rao v Secretary of State (1917) 4 AIR Pat 0 India - Bihar circa 1917 flag 3
1 P 892 1 P 892 circa 1917 2
Emperor v Nilakanta (1912) 35 Mad 247; 13 Cr LJ 305 India circa 1912 flag 6
42 Mad 711 42 Mad 711 India circa 1912 flag 11
Thimmappa v Tkimmappa [1928] Mad 1028 India circa 1928 flag 3
Ratr aswami Gounden v Emperor 27 Mad 271; 19 Bom 363 India - Maharashtra flag 10
6 Air Mad 75 6 AIR Mad 75 India - Tamil Nadu flag 2
37 MLJ 166 37 MLJ 166 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 4

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