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Maddali Tirumala Ananta Venkata Veeraraghavaswami v Srimat Kilambi Mangamma   flag 

[1939] AllINRprMad 50; [1940] AIR Mad 90
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
18th August, 1939

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1928) 15 Air Cal 148 (1928) 15 AIR Cal 148 India - West Bengal circa 1928 flag 3
(1935) 22 Air Mad 312 (1935) 22 AIR Mad 312 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1935 flag 2
[1935] Mad 3125 [1935] Mad 3125 India circa 1935 flag 2
B) and a i b [1935] Mad 312 India circa 1935 flag 2
High 'operation of law on the death of their father Court, that in view of the provisions of and O 21, R 16, Civil P 0 , is applicable Sec 78, Negotiable Instruments Act, since With respect, we are not able to agree with the plaintiff was neither the payee nor the the learned Judge who decided the case in holder of the promissory note in question AIR 1937 Pat 6071 India - Bihar circa 1937 flag 2
Sewa Ram v Hoti Lai (1931) 18 AIR All 108 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1931 flag 2
Subba Narayana Yathiyar v Ramaswami Ayyar 30 Mad 88 India circa 1937 flag 21
2 P 95 2 P 95 circa 1937 11
55 Cal 5513 55 Cal 5513 United States - California circa 1937 flag 2

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