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In the matter of the Intestate Estate of the deceased Emeterio Lopez CONCEPCION LOPEZ v ADELA LOPEZ, s   flag 

[1939] PHSC 177
Supreme Court of the Philippines
26th May, 1939

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Conde vs Abaya 13 Phil 249 Philippines flag 14
13 Phil 88 13 Phil 88 Philippines flag 2
Gaas v Fortich 54 Phil 196 Philippines flag 10
Allarde v Abaya 57 Phil 909 Philippines flag 10
Reyes and Ordoveza 25 Phil 495 Philippines flag 38
Cohen v Benguet Commercial Co , Ltd 34 Phil 526 Philippines flag 14
Severino vs Severino 44 Phil 343 Philippines flag 54
Rubiato and Gonzalez Vila 40 Phil 570 Philippines flag 15
32 Phil 648 32 Phil 648 Philippines flag 3
Barnuevo v Fuster 29 Phil 606 Philippines flag 9

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