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Happy India Insurance Co Ltd v Kumud Bandhu Chakravarty   flag 

[1940] AllINRprCal 160; [1941] AIR Cal 503
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
9th December, 1940

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1918] AC 499 [1918] AC 499; 112 LT 531; 84 LJKB 460 United Kingdom circa 1918 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 3
[1915] AC 4991 [1915] AC 4991 United Kingdom circa 1915 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
[1915] AC 499 [1915] AC 499 United Kingdom circa 1915 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 21
(1915) 1915 AC 499 (1915) 1915 AC 499; 84 LJKB 640 United Kingdom circa 1915 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 3
Scott v Avery [1856] EngR 810; (1856) 5 HLCas 811; 10 ER 1121; 28 LTOS 207 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1856 CommonLII flag 125
(1856) 5 Hlcas 8112 (1856) 5 HLCas 8112 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1856 flag 1
3 Federal Law Journal 1574 3 Federal Law Journal 1574 Federal Law Journal India flag 2
2 P 506 2 P 506 11
Air 1926 Cal 640; 94 IC 793 AIR 1926 Cal 640; 94 IC 793 India - West Bengal circa 1926 flag 1

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