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Topanmal Vassiomal v Chanchalmal Samatmal   flag 

[1940] AllINRprSind 26
All India Reporter - Sind
30th October, 1939

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
[1937] Mad 10123 [1937] Mad 10123 India circa 1937 flag 2
Durgozi Bow v Fakeer Sahib (1907) 30 Mad 197 India circa 1907 flag 2
30 Mad 1971 30 Mad 1971 India circa 1971 flag 1
Sanka Krishnamurfci v Bank Burma (1912) 35 Mad 692; 27 Bom 157 India - Maharashtra circa 1912 flag 24
Faiznllah v Mauladad (1929) 16 AIR Pat 0 India - Bihar circa 1929 flag 6
[1937] Mad 1012 [1937] Mad 1012 India circa 1937 flag 7
1 P 81 1 P 81 circa 1929 4

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