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U Aye v U Chit Hlaing   flag 

[1941] AllINRprRang 21; [1941] AIR Rang 151
All India Reporter - Rangoon
8th February, 1941

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Re Raison; Ex parte Raison (1891) 63 LT 709; (1891) 60 LJQB 206 United Kingdom circa 1891 flag 13
2 P 154 2 P 154 12
South Eastern Railway Co v the Railway Commissioners [1880] UKLawRpKQB 4; (1880) 5 QBD 217 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 13 Jan 1880 CommonLII flag 9
Air 1941 Rang 5 AIR 1941 Rang 5 Myanmar circa 1941 flag 2
1 P 155 1 P 155 2
Air 1941 Rang 49 AIR 1941 Rang 49 Myanmar circa 1941 flag 1
196 IC 372 196 IC 372 United Kingdom flag 1

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