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Kunwarlal Amritlal v Rekhlal Koduram   flag 

[1949] AllINRprNag 53; [1950] ILR Nag 324; [1950] AIR Nag 83
All India Reporter - Nagpur
India - Maharashtra
10th August, 1949

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Railways Act (Vic)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Evidence Act In Kunwar Surendra Bahadur Singh v Thakur Behari Singh AIR 1939 PC 117 Privy Council India circa 1939 flag 8
Krishnamoorthy v Bamayya [1926] Mad 875 India circa 1926 flag 5
[1925] Mad 986 [1925] Mad 986 India circa 1925 flag 2
[1938] Nag 112 [1938] Nag 112 India - Maharashtra circa 1938 flag 9
[1936] PC 207 [1936] PC 207 United Kingdom circa 1936 flag 1
178 IC 992 178 IC 992 United Kingdom flag 1
[1938] Cal 702 [1938] Cal 702 United States - California circa 1938 flag 1
[1916] Cal 374 [1916] Cal 374 United States - California circa 1916 flag 1

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