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Yaw vAmobie   flag 

[1958] GHLL 3
Ghana Land Law Court
1st May, 1958

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1958) 3 WALR 406 (1958) 3 WALR 406 Australia - Western Australia circa 1958 flag 2
Kwasi v Larbi [1953] AC 164; (1953) 13 WACA 76 United Kingdom circa 1953 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
Thompson v Miller (1867) 15 WR 353 United Kingdom circa 1867 flag 1
Brooke v Mitchell [1840] EngR 32; 151 ER 498; (1840) 6 M & W 473; (1840) 9 LJEx 269 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1840 CommonLII flag 8
Henfree v Bromley [1805] EngR 121; 6 East 309; 102 ER 1305; 2 Smith KB 400 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1805 CommonLII flag 16
Brown v Vawser [1804] EngR 128; 102 ER 954; (1804) 4 East 584 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1804 CommonLII flag 5

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