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Y Narayana Chetty & Anr v the Income-Tax Officer, Nellore   flag 

[1958] INSC 101; 1959 1 SCR Supl 189; AIR 1959 SC 213
Supreme Court of India
15th October, 1958

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
R K Das & Co v Commissioncy of Income-tax, West Bengal (1956) 30 ITR 439 circa 1956 6
Commissioner of Income-tax, Bombay City v Ramsukh Motilal (1955) 27 ITR 54 circa 1955 3
[1956] SCR 577 [1956] SCR 577 circa 1956 7

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