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Arunasalam Dhanuskodi v Commissioner For Registration of Indian and Pakistani Residents - NLR - 444 of 60   flag 

[1959] LKHC 10
High Court of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
7th April, 1959

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1923) 5 Ceylon Law Recorder 17 (1923) 5 Ceylon Law Recorder 17 Ceylon Law Recorder Sri Lanka circa 1923 flag 1
Henry Shire,-Appellant; Catherine Shire,-Respondent [1845] EngR 981; 13 ER 420; (1845) 5 Moore PC 81 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag 4
Alceste Florentin Antoine D'Orliac,-Appellant; La Dame D'Orliac,-Respondent [1844] EngR 543; 4 Moore PC 374; 13 ER 347 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1844 CommonLII flag 6
De Silva, TAK v Hirdamani Ltd - NLR - 73 of 55 [1953] LKCA 5; (1953) 55 NLR 73 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 14 Sep 1953 AsianLII flag 2
Pitche Tamby v Cassim Marikar - NLR - 117 of 18 [1914] LKCA 8; (1914) 18 NLR 117 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 29 Oct 1914 AsianLII flag 2
Tennekone v Duraiswamy - NLR - 436 of 57 [1955] LKSC 12; (1955) 57 NLR 436 Sri Lankan Supreme Court Sri Lanka 20 Dec 1955 AsianLII flag 1
Kodakan Pillai, GSN v Mudanayake, PB - NLR - 350 of 54 [1951] LKSC 1; (1951) 54 NLR 350 Sri Lankan Supreme Court Sri Lanka 25 Oct 1951 AsianLII flag 4
(1959) 60 NLR 444 (1959) 60 NLR 444 Sri Lanka circa 1959 flag 1

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