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DR C Annacheriam & Anr v Achotha Menon   flag 

[1962] INSC 189; 1963 3 SCR 986; AIR 1963 SC 128
Supreme Court of India
3rd May, 1962

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Ramankutty Menon v Seevi Umma AIR 1929 Mad 266 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1929 flag 1
Secretary of State for India v Chellikani Rama Rao [1916] ILR 39 circa 1916 10
PK Gobindan Nair v P Narayanan Nair (1912) 23 MLJ 706 Malaysia circa 1912 LexisNexis flag 2
(1905) 28 Mad 182 (1905) 28 Mad 182 India circa 1905 flag 7
Vinayak Rantkrishna v Ganpat Ramkrisktia [1904] ILR 28 circa 1904 6
Sesharnrna v Sankara [1889] ILR 12 circa 1889 5
Cherukomen v Ismala (1871) 6 MHCR 145 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1871 flag 1

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