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Commissioner of Income-Taxbombay v Edsheppard   flag 

[1962] INSC 364; AIR 1963 SC 1343
Supreme Court of India
12th December, 1962

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Incometax Act (Cth)
Income Tax Act (Cth)
Finance Act, 1955 s7, s10, s12

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1924) 9 Tax Cas 43 (1924) 9 Tax Cas 43 United Kingdom circa 1924 flag 1
(1931) 6 Tax Cas 605 (1931) 6 Tax Cas 605 United Kingdom circa 1931 flag 1
(1945) 13 Itr 436 (1945) 13 ITR 436 circa 1945 1
(1957) 31 Itr 826 (1957) 31 ITR 826 circa 1957 2
(1960) 38 Itr 67 (1960) 38 ITR 67 circa 1960 1
Chibbet v Joseph Robinson & Sons (1924) 9 Tax Cas 49 United Kingdom circa 1924 flag 2
Chibbett v Joseph Robinson & Sons (1924) 9 Tax Cas 48 United Kingdom circa 1924 flag 12
Cowan v Seymour 7 Tax Cas 372 United Kingdom circa 1924 flag 6
Duff (H M Inspector of Taxes v Barlow (1941) 23 Tax Cas 633 United Kingdom circa 1941 flag 2
Hose v Warwick (1946) 27 Tax Cas 459 United Kingdom circa 1946 flag 6
Hunter v Dewhurst 16 Tax Cas 605; (1931) 145 LT 225 United Kingdom circa 1931 flag 36
Karnataka v Puttaraja [1960] INSC 239; 1961 2 SCR 742; AIR 1961 SC 946 Supreme Court of India India 29 Nov 1960 LIIofIndia flag 1
2 SCR 375 2 SCR 375 circa 1961 7
36 Itr 84 36 ITR 84 circa 1961 1

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