Marine Engineers (Department of Public Works, Victoria Dredges) Award 1966
[1975] CthArbRp 2220; (1975) 173 CAR 423
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
19 Dec 1975
Marine Engineers (Department of Public Works, Victoria Dredges) Award 1966; The Merchant Service (Department of Public Works, Victoria Dredges) Award 1966
[1974] CthArbRp 620; (1974) 159 CAR 585
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
19 Apr 1974
Marine Engineers (Department of Public Works, Victoria Dredges) Award 1966
[1973] CthArbRp 1412; (1973) 153 CAR 35
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
13 Dec 1973
Marine Engineers (Department of Public Works, Victoria Dredges) Award 1966
[1973] CthArbRp 1260; (1973) 152 CAR 966
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
2 Nov 1973
Marine Engineers (Department of Public Works, Victoria Dredges) Award 1966; The Merchant Service (Department of Public Works, Victoria Dredges) Award 1966
[1973] CthArbRp 621; (1973) 150 CAR 336
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
24 Jul 1973
Marine Engineers (Department of Public Works, Victoria Dredges) Award 1966
[1970] CthArbRp 207; (1970) 131 CAR 655
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
24 Mar 1970
Marine Engineers (Department of Public Works, Victoria Dredges) Award 1966
[1969] CthArbRp 865; (1969) 130 CAR 5
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
17 Dec 1969
Marine Engineers (Department of Public Works, Victoria Dredges) Award 1966
[1968] CthArbRp 709; (1968) 125 CAR 457
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
7 Nov 1968
Marine Engineers (Department of Public Works, Victoria Dredges) Award 1966
[1967] CthArbRp 662; (1967) 119 CAR 426
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
23 Jun 1967
Marine Engineers (Department of Public Works, Victoria Dredges) Award 1966
[1967] CthArbRp 389; (1967) 118 CAR 228
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
18 Apr 1967