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Vithal Das v Rupchand   flag 

[1966] INSC 102; [1966] SCR 164; AIR 1967 SC 188
Supreme Court of India
7th April, 1966

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Union of India v AL Rallia Ram [1963] INSC 108; [1964] 3 SCR 164; AIR 1963 SC 1685 Supreme Court of India India 19 Apr 1963 LIIofIndia flag 36
Seth Thawardas Pherumal v The Union of India [1955] 2 SCR 48 circa 1955 21
Maine and New Brunswick Electrical Power Co v Hart [1929] AC 631 United Kingdom circa 1929 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 13
Silkstone and Haigh Moor Coal Co v Edey [1899] UKLawRpCh 149; [1900] 1 Ch 167 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 8 Nov 1899 CommonLII flag 11
Gilroy v Stephen s (1882) 46 LT 761 United Kingdom circa 1882 flag 4
Malland v Gray 63 ER 744 United Kingdom CommonLII flag 1
Union of India v Watkins Mayor & Co AIR 1966 SC 275 Supreme Court of India India circa 1966 flag 9
Air 1963 SC 1636 AIR 1963 SC 1636 Supreme Court of India India circa 1963 flag 2
Air 1939 PC 185 AIR 1939 PC 185 Privy Council India circa 1939 flag 1

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