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Lino Victorino, Leticia Pike, Francisca Vda De Pike, Agatona Natividad, Felisa Lakambakal, Norma Pike and Maximo Sta Ana v Honoria Lao and Primitivo Lao   flag 

[1970] PHSC 107
Supreme Court of the Philippines
28th May, 1970

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1966) 17 Scra 540 (1966) 17 SCRA 540 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1966 flag 1
Lao v Mencias 21 SCRA 1021 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 14
Lanzar v Guerrero 29 SCRA 107 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 8
98 Phil 587 98 Phil 587 Philippines flag 3
Jai Alai Corporation of the Phil v CFI of Manila 96 Phil 407 Philippines flag 3
3 Sec 7 3 SEC 7 United States flag 31
49 Phil 820 49 Phil 820 Philippines flag 4
52 Phil 857 52 Phil 857 Philippines flag 2
Hon Reyes and Dalisay 108 Phil 513 Philippines flag 3

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