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Allenburry Engineers Private Ltd v Ramakrishna Dalmia   flag  7

[1972] INSC 221; [1973] 2 SCR 257; 1973 1 SCC 7; AIR 1973 SC 425
Supreme Court of India
15th September, 1972

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
SLeelavathy v KMSubramaniam - Appeal Suit [2007] INTNHC 2320 High Court of Madras India - Madras 13 Jul 2007 LIIofIndia flag
Narne Tulaman Manufactures PVT Ltd Hyderabad v Collector of Central Excise, Hyderabad [1988] INSC 281; 1988 4 JT 1; 1988 3 SCR Supl 1 Supreme Court of India India 15 Sep 1988 LIIofIndia flag
Adltya Mills Ltd v Union of India [1988] INSC 248; 1988 2 SCALE 1068; 1988 4 JT 151; 1988 4 SCC 315; 1988 2 SCR Supl 668; AIR 1988 SC 2237 Supreme Court of India India 29 Aug 1988 LIIofIndia flag 2
Collector of Central Excise, Madras v Kutty Flush Doors & Furniture Co (P) Ltd [1988] INSC 86; 1988 1 SCALE 705; 1988 2 JT 93; [1988] SCC Supl 239; 1988 3 SCR 363; AIR 1988 SC 1164 Supreme Court of India India 28 Mar 1988 LIIofIndia flag 3
Empire Industries Ltd v Union of India [1985] INSC 121; 1985 1 SCALE 1269; 1985 3 SCC 314; 1985 1 SCR Supl 292; AIR 1986 SC 662 Supreme Court of India India 6 May 1985 LIIofIndia flag 20
Idandas v Anant Ramchandra Phadke [1981] INSC 193; 1981 3 SCALE 1790; 1982 1 SCC 27; 1982 1 SCR 1197; AIR 1982 SC 127 Supreme Court of India India 20 Nov 1981 LIIofIndia flag 7
P C Cheriyan v Barfi Devi [1979] INSC 209; [1980] 1 SCR 961; 1980 2 SCC 461; AIR 1980 SC 86 Supreme Court of India India 16 Oct 1979 LIIofIndia flag 2

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Idandas v Anant Ramchandra Phadke [1981] INSC 193; 1981 3 SCALE 1790; 1982 1 SCC 27; 1982 1 SCR 1197; AIR 1982 SC 127 Supreme Court of India India 20 Nov 1981 LIIofIndia flag 7
P C Cheriyan v Barfi Devi [1979] INSC 209; [1980] 1 SCR 961; 1980 2 SCC 461; AIR 1980 SC 86 Supreme Court of India India 16 Oct 1979 LIIofIndia flag 2
South Bihar Sugar Mills Ltd v Union of India [1968] INSC 29; [1968] 3 SCR 21; AIR 1968 SC 922 Supreme Court of India India 5 Feb 1968 LIIofIndia flag 26
[1980] SC 86 [1980] SC 86 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1980 flag 4
R v Wheeler(2) "has been generally understood to denote, either a thing made which is useful for its own sake and vendible as such, as a medicine, a stove, a telescope, and many others; or to mean an engine or instrument, or some part of an engine or instrument, to be employed either in themaking of some previously known articles or in some other useful purpose, as a stocking frame, or a steam engine for raising water from mines; or, it may perhaps, extend also to a new process to be carried on by known implements or elements 'acting (1) AIR 1970 SC 839 Supreme Court of India India circa 1970 flag 2
[1989] SC 79 [1989] SC 79 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1989 flag 4
1 SCR 586 1 SCR 586 circa 1970 24
Rex v Wheeler 2 B & Ald 349 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1970 flag 5
C Mackertich v Sturt & Co Ltd AIR 1970 SC 889 Supreme Court of India India circa 1970 flag 1
[1982] SC 127 [1982] SC 127 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1982 flag 4

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