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Statesman Ltd v Their Workmen   flag  2

[1976] INSC 9; 1976 2 SCC 223; 1976 3 SCR 228; AIR 1976 SC 758
Supreme Court of India
22nd January, 1976

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Shivanand Gaurishankar Baswanti v Laxmi Vishnu Textile Mills [2008] INSC 1102 Supreme Court of India India 11 Jul 2008 LIIofIndia flag
Workmen Represented by Secretary v Management of Reptakos Brett and Co Ltd & Anr [1991] INSC 281; 1992 1 SCC 290; 1991 2 SCALE 940; 1991 4 JT 243; 1991 2 SCR Supl 129; AIR 1992 SC 504; [1992] SCC (L & S) 271 Supreme Court of India India 31 Oct 1991 LIIofIndia flag 6

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1972 SC 1552 AIR 1972 SC 1552 Supreme Court of India India circa 1972 flag 1
Pritam Singh v the State [1950] INSC 11; [1950] SCR 453; AIR 1950 SC 169 Supreme Court of India India 5 May 1950 LIIofIndia flag 30
[1992] SC 504 [1992] SC 504 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1992 flag 6
[1972] SC 1552 [1972] SC 1552 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1972 flag 1
[1963] SCR 575 [1963] SCR 575 circa 1963 1
2 SCR 136 2 SCR 136 circa 1950 8
236 f 233 236 F 233 circa 1950 1
(1963) 2 SCR 575 (1963) 2 SCR 575 circa 1963 1

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