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"Debt Collection Harassment in Australia (Part 2)"   flag 

(1978-1979) 5 Monash University Law Review 204
Kercher, Bruce
Monash University Law Review

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Consumer Protection Act, 1969 (NSW)
Privacy Committee Act, 1975 (NSW)
Invasion of Privacy Act, 1971 (Qld)
Auctioneers and Agents Act (Qld)
Unauthorised Documents Act 1916 (SA)
Private Agents Act, 1966 (Vic) s18
Debt Collectors Licensing Act, 1964 (WA) s1, s4, s5, s10, s20
Unauthorised Documents Act 1961 (WA)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
"Fair Dealing with Consumers In South Australia" (1976-1977) 2 Legal Service Bulletin 38 Legal Service Bulletin Australia circa 1977 HeinOnline flag 3
"Report on Privacy, A" (1976-1977) 2 Legal Service Bulletin 55 Legal Service Bulletin Australia circa 1977 HeinOnline flag 3
Trade Practices Act and Consumer Protection" (1976) 2 Legal Service Bulletin 153 Legal Service Bulletin Australia circa 1976 HeinOnline flag 1
(1976) 1 Legal Service Bulletin 374 (1976) 1 Legal Service Bulletin 374 Legal Service Bulletin Australia circa 1976 HeinOnline flag 1
"Administration of Justice Act 1970: Enforcement of Debt Provisions" (1971) 34 Modern Law Review 61 Modern Law Review United Kingdom circa 1971 HeinOnline flag 1
Privacy and Law Reform" 1 Legal Service Bulletin 351 Legal Service Bulletin Australia circa 1971 HeinOnline flag 3
(1973) 12 Duquesne Law Review 69 (1973) 12 Duquesne Law Review 69 Duquesne Law Review United States circa 1973 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Debtor-Creditor Remedies: a New Proposal" (1969) 54 Cornell Law Review 249 Cornell Law Review United States circa 1969 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
(1969-70) 36 Brooklyn Law Review 95 (1969-70) 36 Brooklyn Law Review 95 Brooklyn Law Review United States circa 1969 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
(1968) 20 Maine Law Review 261 (1968) 20 Maine Law Review 261 Maine Law Review United States circa 1968 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
"Administration and Enforcement under the UCCC " (1968) 33 Law and Contemporary Problems 737 Law and Contemporary Problems United States circa 1968 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Consumer Credit in the Affluent Society" (1968) 33 Law and Contemporary Problems 641 Law and Contemporary Problems United States circa 1968 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
"Updating Civil Court procedures for the 1980s" (1975) 49 Australian Law Journal 380 Australian Law Journal Australia circa 1975 Legal Online flag 4
"Protection of privacy" (1974) 48 Australian Law Journal 91 Australian Law Journal Australia circa 1974 Legal Online flag 3
Shirt v Wyong Shire Council 54 FLR 215; [1978] 1 NSWLR 631 Australia Legal Online / Westlaw flag 80
[1973] Ch 427 [1973] Ch 427 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1973 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
Ex parte Attorney-General; Re Goulburn Produce Co Pty Ltd 65 WN (NSW) 23 Australia - New South Wales flag 1
"A Primer on the General Law Applicable to Abusive, Unfair and Harassing Collection Practices" (1972) 6 Clearinghouse Review 145 Clearinghouse Review United States circa 1972 flag 3
Walker v Sheldon 10 NY2d 401; 179 NE2d 497; 223 NYS2d 488 United States - New York circa 1972 flag 27
(1972) 9 Hous LR 615 (1972) 9 Hous LR 615 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1972 flag 3

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