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"Is the Development of Technology Helped or Hindered by Patent Law - Can Antitrust Laws Provide the Solution"   flag  1

(1986) 9 University of New South Wales Law Journal 117
Dunford, Richard
University of New South Wales Law Journal

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Case of an Awkward Interface - Patents v Competition, The" (1998) 21 University of New South Wales Law Journal 757 Fung, Justin G Australia circa 1998 AustLII flag 2

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Legal Incidents of Non-Use of Patented Inventions Reconsidered" (1946) 14 George Washington Law Review 273 George Washington Law Review United States circa 1946 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Solar Versus Nuclear Energy: Autonomous or Dependent Technology?" (1984) 31 Social Problems 417 Social Problems United States circa 1984 HeinOnline flag 1
Kewanee Oil Co v Bicron Corporation 416 US 470; 40 L Ed 2d 315; 181 USPQ 673; 94 SCt 1879; 40 L Ed 315 United States Supreme Court United States 13 May 1974 WorldLII flag 129
United States v Singer Mfg Co 374 US 174; 10 L Ed 2d 823; 83 SCt 1773; 137 USPQ 808 United States Supreme Court United States 17 Jun 1963 WorldLII flag 110
United States v Line Material Co 333 US 287; 92 L Ed 701; 68 SCt 550; 76 USPQ 399 United States Supreme Court United States 8 Mar 1948 WorldLII flag 49
United States v National Lead Co 332 US 319; 63 FSupp 513; 91 L Ed 2077; 67 SCt 1634 United States Supreme Court United States 13 Oct 1947 WorldLII flag 44
United States v Masonite Corporation 316 US 265; 86 L Ed 1461; 62 SCt 1070; 53 USPQ 396 United States Supreme Court United States 11 May 1942 WorldLII flag 90
Standard Oil Co v United States 283 US 163; 75 L Ed 926; 51 SCt 421; 75 L Ed 2d 926 United States Supreme Court United States 13 Apr 1931 WorldLII flag 40
United States v General Electric Co 272 US 476; 71 L Ed 362; 47 SCt 192 United States Supreme Court United States 23 Nov 1926 WorldLII flag 77
Continental Paper Bag Co v Eastern Paper Bag Co 210 US 405; 52 L Ed 1122; 28 SCt 748; [1908] Dec Commr Pat 594 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Jun 1908 WorldLII flag 87
Hartford-Empire Co v United States 323 US 386; 65 SCt 373; 89 L Ed 322; 64 USPQ 18 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1908 Westlaw flag 81
United States v Genera/Electric Co 80 FSupp 989 United States circa 1908 Westlaw flag 6
22 Idaho 1370 22 Idaho 1370 United States - Idaho circa 1908 flag 1
United States v United Shoe Machinery Corporation 110 FSupp 295 United States circa 1908 Westlaw flag 78
United States v General Instrument Corporation 115 FSupp 582 United States circa 1908 Westlaw flag 1
United States v UnitedAfrcraft Corporation 80 FSupp 52 United States circa 1908 Westlaw flag 3
80 Idaho 206-207 80 Idaho 206-207 United States - Idaho circa 1908 flag 1
UnitedStates v Motion Picture Patents Co 225 FED 800 circa 1908 1
United States v Besser Mfg Co 96 FSupp 304; 88 USPQ 421 United States circa 1908 Westlaw flag 10
13 Idaho 102-103; 14 Idaho 102 13 Idaho 102-103; 14 Idaho 102 United States - Idaho circa 1908 flag 1
(1923) 52 Forum 2118 (1923) 52 Forum 2118 United States circa 1923 HeinOnline flag 1
United States v Automobile Manufacturers Assn 307 FSupp 617 United States Westlaw flag 8
3 Idaho 288 3 Idaho 288 United States - Idaho flag 2

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