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ROBERTO v JUSTINIANI, and VICENTE ALACAPA v B JOSE CASTILLO, in his capacity as Provincial Fiscal of the Province of Rizal   flag 

[1988] PHSC 468
Supreme Court of the Philippines
21st June, 1988

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Hernandez v Albano (1967) 19 SCRA 95 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1967 flag 23
Pacis v Hon Averia (1966) 18 SCRA 907 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1966 flag 31
Lava v Gonzales (1964) 11 SCRA 650 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1964 flag 8
1961 2 Scra 980 1961 2 SCRA 980 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1961 flag 2
United Central & Cellulose Labor Association (PLUM) v Santos 4 SCRA 235 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 4
People v Aquino 18 SCRA 555 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 13
5 Scra 722 5 SCRA 722 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 4
39 Scra 641 39 SCRA 641 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 4
Kwong Sing v City of Manila 41 Phil 103 Philippines flag 28
Gorospe v Penaflorida 101 Phil 886 Philippines flag 20

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